This is currently my Liam's favorite movie. He likes the movie so much that we would get to watch it at least 4 times in one day. He loves dancing with the movie's OST. Hiccup is no longer a boy but a full grown man, now already 20 years old. As Hiccup explores and discovers new places he stumbled upon a village, home to dragon trappers. When he discovered the village it was covered with ice, people from that village said it was caused by a dragon thief who stole the dragons they trapped. They are capturing dragons and deliver them to Drago Bludvest. Hiccup returned home to Berk worried about their own dragons and want to persuade his dad to go on a quest to find Drago and talk to him then eventually change his mind. But Stoic did not like the idea, Hiccup and Astrid went on instead. On his quest in finding Drago, Hiccup found someone else instead. Someone who he thought was already dead. Hiccup was captured by the dragon thief, who turn out to be his mother whom they thought died 20 years ago. Now Hiccup already know where he got his love for dragons. Eventually Stoic and Hiccup's mother Valka saw each other again. That was my favorite scene, Stoic telling his wife she was still as beautiful as the day he lost her. Drago was then able to capture Astrid and the rest of the Hiccup's friends. Drago's army then attacked the dragon's nest Valka was trying to hide. Valka's Alpha dragon was defeated by Drago's, he was able to control Toothless who tried to attacked Hiccup but Stoic stepped in, Stoic was badly hurt, he did not make and got killed. Drago then headed to Berk to capture all of its dragons. Hiccup was able to regain Toothless and they both were able to defeat Drago's alpha. Although Hiccup lost his father, now he has mother on his side. Now he is the new chieftain of Berk in place of his father. The End. then my son dances to the movie's
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