
Sometimes we find it hard to accept that we cannot win in all the battles we encounter in our life. Most of the time instead of conceding we tend to keep on fighting hoping for a different outcome.

I have always been a rebel. I seek adventure, I love thrill and danger. The thought of u awaken the rebel in me. You were just a mystery I wanted to unravel. A game to be played. But then you turned out to be more than what you are supposed to be thats when the battle began. I fought and never wanted give up. Because I hoped that you are one of those thats worth fighting for.

But as I kept fighting I realized I was wrong, I know now that no matter what I do I could never win. Actually looking back I have lost the battle even before it started.

This you must know I will give up with no hatred in my heart only gratitude and hope for better days to come.
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